Friday, June 24, 2011

Just checking in...

...from my mobile device. Couldn't figure this out before but now I think I have the hang of it.

I apologize to my 5 or 6 official followers for blogbandoning. LOL I can tease cause I know you're friends and supporters in real life and you'll let me. Mostly I felt compelled to put SOMEthing in this space to explain the delinquency as it's listed on the Raven and Lace Facebook page as a website.

Last post was February?? I knew it was awhile ago I last checked in, but wow! I had big plans to get this going, then life happened. Good life, but life in general.

A few months back, my contract at work was ending and I was looking forward (tongue in cheek) to being laid off. My plan was (and somewhat still is) to stay home with my daughter and do blogging and cake stuff on the side, however...the contract was renewed and I've been busy, busy, busy! Still doing cakes and cupcakes, but haven't taken a moment to post. that I've figured out the mobile thing, I might be able to swing it.

Keep posted. I'll be back.

[Insert cool sign-off here]
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network