Sunday, January 30, 2011


Ahhhhhh....(sigh, not scream)

I have ended an almost 5 year old relationship. Actually, in a sense, I just ended about 350 relationships. I have deleted my Facebook account. It's the most liberating thing I've done since an 8lb 11oz human was removed from my body. I seriously feel like I've come out of some kind of fog - it's amazing not being attached to something, expected to check in on it multiple times daily (So here I've started a blog - go figure!) It's like being responsible for a child...only more drama. Maybe like having a teenager. I haven't made it to that point with G yet - she's still only 3.

So this will be my main form of contact with the outside world (or should I say inside, as you're likely at a computer right now) for some time. I'm new to the whole world of far so good. Got 2 followers already (Hi Becky! Hi Michelle!) and once I get going I'm sure more will start following the yellow brick road.

Any tips, hints, feedback, etc. is greatly appreciated!

[Insert cool sign-off here]


Stacey Gokool said...

...Aaaaand, now I've signed up for Twitter. *sigh*

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